
quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2022

REDEMPTION – Jesus Christ is Our Redeemer: He Paid the Debt for our Sins on the Cross (Isaiah 53:5; Colossians 2:14; 1 Peter 1:18,19...) / Sermons & Hymn

 jesus paid the price photo: jesus paid the price bigcroos.jpg 



1.1 What is REDEMPTION ?

a.  The Sin 

1.2 The Redemption is Costly 
(Psalm 49:6-9)

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Psalm 49

6 Those who trust in their wealth
and boast in the multitude 
of their riches,

7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother,
Nor give to God a ransom for him—
8 For the redemption of their souls is costly,
And it shall cease forever—
9 That he should continue
 to live eternally, 
and not see the Pit.

Jeremiah 2:22 For though you wash yourself 
with lye, and use much soap, 
Yet your iniquity 
is marked before Me,” 
says the LORD GOD(NKJV)

   "Without shedding of blood 
is no remission"
Leviticus 17:11 with Hebrews 9:22

II. The Lamb of God

2.1  Jesus Christ: the Lamb of God
(Exodus 12:1-7 with John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7; 
1 Peter 1:18,19; Revelation 7:14...)

a. The Passover Instituted
(Exodus 12:1-28)

b. Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb
(John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7...)

   2.1.1 Jesus Christ Paid 
Our Debt of Sin 
with His Precious Blood 
(Isaiah 53:5; Colossians 2:14; 1 Peter 1:18,19...)

sin debt photo: Sin Debt sindebtcart.jpg

2.2  Therefore, 
2.2.1 Jesus Christ Rescues Sinners

Freedom from Sin

2.2.2 Jesus Christ Saves

III. Conclusion

Romans 10:13 Whoever Calls On The Name Of The Lord (brown)

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 The Old Account 
Was Settled 

& jesus set me free photo: Jesus set me free thHallelujah.gif
1 Corinthians 6:20 Bought With A Price (red)

The Old Account Was Settled

1. There was a time on earth, 
when in the book of Heav’n
An old account was standing 
for sins yet unforgiv’n;
My name was at the top, 
and many things below,
I went unto the Keeper, 
and settled long ago.


Long ago (down on my knees),
 long ago (I settled it all),
Yes, the old account 

was settled long ago (Hallelujah!);
And the record’s clear today, 
for He washed my sins away,
When the old account was settled long ago.

2. The old account was large, 
and growing every day,
For I was always sinning, 
and never tried to pay;
But when I looked ahead, 
and saw such pain and woe,
I said that I would settle, 
I settled long ago.

3. When in that happy home, 
my Savior’s home above,
I’ll sing redemption’s story, 
and praise Him for His love;
I’ll not forget that book, 
with pages white as snow,
Because I came and settled, 
and settled long ago.

4. O sinner, trust the Lord, 
be cleansed of all your sin,
For thus He hath provided 
for you to enter in;
And then if you should live 
a hundred years below,
Up there you’ll not regret it, 
you settled long ago.


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