quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2021

CAMINHANDO COM JESUS - (WALKING WITH JESUS) - Hymn "It Is Glory Just To Walk With Him" & Sermons in English, Spanish and Portuguese) - (Luke 24:13-35)


Road to Emmaus 

Chapter 24

Jesus Appears to Two Disciples 
on Road to Emmaus 
(Luke 24:13-35)

Luke 24 King James Version (KJV)

“Luke 24
31 And their eyes were opened, 
and they knew him; 
and he vanished out of their sight.
32 And they said one to another, 
did not our heart burn within us, 
while he talked with us by the way, 
and while he opened to us the scriptures?” 

Lucas 24
31 Entonces les fueron abiertos los ojos, 
y le reconocieron; mas él se desapareció de su vista.
32 Y se decían el uno al otro: 
¿No ardía nuestro corazón en nosotros, 
mientras nos hablaba en el camino, 
y cuando nos abría las Escrituras?

路加福音 24
31 他們的眼睛開了,才認出是耶穌來;他卻從他們面前不見了。 
32 他們彼此在路上他對我們說話,給我們解釋聖經的時候,我們的心不是火熱的嗎? 

Luke 24 
31 저희 눈이 밝아져 그인  알아 보더니 예수는 저희에게 보이지 아니하시는지라 
32 저희가 서로 말하되 `길에서 우리에게 말씀하시고 우리에게 성경을 풀어 주실 때에 우리 속에서 마음이 뜨겁지 아니하더냐 ?

Lucas 24
31 Abriram-se-lhes, então, os olhos, 
e o conheceram, e ele desapareceu-lhes. 
32 E disseram um para o outro: 
Porventura, não ardia em nós o nosso coração 
quando, pelo caminho, 
nos falava e quando nos abria as Escrituras? 




Caminhando com Jesus

1. It is glory just to walk with Him 
whose blood has ransomed me;
It is rapture for my soul each day.
It is joy divine to feel Him near 
where'er my path may be.
Bless the Lord, it's glory all the way!


It is glory just to walk with Him,
It is glory just to walk with Him,
He will guide my steps aright
Thro' the vale and o'er the height,
It is glory just to walk with Him.

2. It is glory when the shadows fall, 
to know that He is near.
O what joy to simply trust and pray!
It is glory to abide in Him 
when skies above are clear.
Yes, with Him, 
it's glory all the way!

3. 'Twill be glory when I walk 
with Him on heaven's golden shore,
Never from His side again to stray.
'Twill be glory, wondrous glory 
with the Savior evermore,
Everlasting glory all the way!

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Icons and illustration of flag of China

Icons and illustration of flag of South Korea


Meu CD "Te Sirvo Sempre"


2021 - ANO MUSICAL ! - 

(2021 - MUSICAL YEAR !)


 02. html




1º Tenor: Milton Rodrigues

2º Tenor: Benedito da Veiga (in memorian)

Barítono: Osvaldo Gomes Cruz

Baixo: Salmon S. Ribeiro


·         Hino: “Não Ando Só” (*)

(*) Publicado no Facebook 

no dia 6 de março de 2021


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