quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2008

LOUVOR AO SENHOR: Sua Glória ! - (PRAISE OF THE LORD: His Glory !) - Hymn: "All Hail the Power of Jesus'Name" - (Port) "Coroai" - Music "CORONATION""

- "Philippians 2 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

 - "Filipenses 2 10 Para que ao nome de Jesus se dobre todo joelho dos que estão nos céus, e na terra, e debaixo da terra. 11 E toda a língua confesse que Jesus Cristo é o Senhor, para glória de Deus Pai."

Names of Jesus
(Nomes de Jesus)

Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords
(Jesus Cristo, Rei dos Reis e Senhor dos Senhores)

“Revelation 19:16 And he hath on [ his ] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

“Apocalipse 19:16 E no manto e na sua coxa tem escrito este nome: Rei dos reis, e Senhor dos senhores.” 

• All Hail the Power of Jesus'Name
Saudai o Nome de Jesus 

Words: Edward Perronet 
estrofe 4  John Rippon, 
Music: "CORONATION" Oliver Holden


  • English “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name" CORONATION

1. All hail the power of Jesus' name!

Let angels prostrate fall.
Bring forth the royal diadem,
and crown him Lord of all.
Bring forth the royal diadem,
and crown him Lord of all!

2. O seed of Israel's chosen race
now ransomed from the fall,
hail him who saves you by his grace,
and crown him Lord of all.
Hail him who saves you by his grace,
and crown him Lord of all!

3. Let every tongue and every tribe
responsive to his call,
to him all majesty ascribe,
and crown him Lord of all.
To him all majesty ascribe,
and crown him Lord of all!

4.  Oh, that with all the sacred throng
we at his feet may fall!
We'll join the everlasting song
and crown him Lord of all.
We'll join the everlasting song
and crown him Lord of all.

Chinese - 大哉圣名歌” - CORONATION


1. 大哉圣哉耶稣之名,
奉献冠冕, 贵光荣,
來尊, 万有主;
奉献冠冕, 贵光荣,
來尊, 万有主.

2. 殉道圣徒, 从主坛前,
同來赞美 耶西之条,
來尊, 万有主;
同來赞美 耶西之条,
來尊, 万有主.

3. 同來尊, 卫之孙,
上帝化身, 神性之人,
來尊, 万有主;
上帝化身, 神性之人,
來尊, 万有主.

4. 普天之下, 万族万民,
來尊, 万有主;
來尊, 万有主.


• Español - "Loores Dad a Cristo el Rey" CORONATION

1. Loores dad a Cristo el Rey,
Suprema potestad;
De su divino amor la ley,
Postrados aceptad;
De su divino amor la ley,
Postrados aceptad.

2. Vosotros, hijos del gran Rey,
Ovejas de la grey;
Loores dad a Emanuel,
Y proclamad le Rey;
Loores dad a Emanuel,
Y proclamad le Rey.

3. Naciones todas, escuchad
Y obedeced su ley;
De Cristo ved su majestad,
Y proclamad le Rey;
De Cristo ved su majestad,
Y proclamad le Rey.

4. Dios quiera que con los que están
Del trono en derredor,
Cantemos por la eternidad
A Cristo el Salvador;
Cantemos por la eternidad
A Cristo el Salvador.


  • German “Preis sei dem Namen Jesu Christ” CORONATION



1. Preis sei dem Namen Jesu Christ, des Glanz das All erhellt;
weil Er der Menschheit Ret ter ist, hier unterm Sternenzelt,
weil Er der Menschheit Ret ter ist, krönt Ihn als Herrn der Welt!

2. Ein jedes Land, ein jeder Stamm, hier unterm Sternenzelt,
dien froh und gern dem Gotteslamm, krön Ihn als Herrn der Welt;
dien froh und gern dem Gotteslamm, krön Ihn als Herrn der Welt!

3. O rühmt Ihn alle, Ihn allein, den großen Siegesheld;
stimmt, ihr Erlö sten, alle ein, krönt Ihn als Herrn der Welt;
stimmt, ihr Erlö sten, alle ein, krönt Ihn als Herrn der Welt!

4. O, daß auch ich mit jener Schar, zu Christus sei gestellt;
Ihn lobend, preisend immerdar als Gott und Herrn der Welt;

Ihn lobend, preisend immerdar als Gott und Herrn der Welt! 

  • Russian “Христа да славит весь народ” CORONATION

1. Христа да славит весь народ,

И ангелы да чтут,

Весь мир осанну да поет

Спасителю Христу. (х2)


2. Вы друга Божьего сыны,

И все кто спасены,

Воспойте славу и хвалу

Спасителю Христу. (х2)


3. Бессильные оставить грех,

Искатели утех,

Откройте слабость и нужду

Спасителю Христу. (х2)


4. Все расы, классы, племена –

Оставьте суету,

Свои отдайте бремена

Спасителю Христу. (х2)


5. Когда ж придем на высоту,

К ногам Его падем,

И песни славы воспоем

Спасителю Христу. (х2)


 • Português "Coroai" CORONATION

1. Saudai o Nome de Jesus!
Arcanjos, vos prostrai!
O Filho do glorioso Deus
Com glória coroai!
O Filho do glorioso Deus
Com glória coroai!

2. Ó escolhida geração
Do bom, eterno Pai:
O grande Autor da salvação,
Com glória coroai!
O grande Autor da salvação,
Com glória coroai!

3. Ó perdoados por Jesus,
Alegres adorai!
O Deus de paz, o Deus de luz
Com glória coroai!
O Deus de paz, o Deus de luz
Com glória coroai!

4. Ó raças, tribos e nações,
O Rei divino honrai;
A quem quebrou os vis grilhões
Com glória coroai!
A quem quebrou os vis grilhões
Com glória coroai!


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